Thursday, 16 January 2014

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Pioneering Work of

by Andrew W. Saul
Assistant Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

Reprinted with permission from J Orthomolecular Med, 2007. Vol 22, No 1, p 31-38.

Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin.” (F. R. Klenner, MD)

The sound barrier was broken in 1947. The Korean War began in 1950. In between was the polio epidemic of 1948-9, during which Dr. Frederick Robert Klenner cured every polio case he saw by using vitamin C.


Claus W. Jungeblut (1) had the initial idea; William J. McCormick (2) was an early proponent of frequent gram-sized doses. But it was Frederick Robert Klenner who first gave polio patients tens of thousands of milligrams of vitamin C per day. He had been doing so since before D-Day.

“From 1943 through 1947,” writes Robert Landwehr (3), “Dr. Klenner reported successful treatment of 41 more cases of viral pneumonia using massive doses of vitamin C. From these cases he learned what dosage and route of administration - intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally - was best for each patient. Dr. Klenner gave these details in a February 1948 paper published in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery entitled ‘Virus Pneumonia and Its Treatment with Vitamin C.’ (4) This article was the first of Dr. Klenner’s twenty-eight (through 1974) scientific publications.” 

“When I first came across Klenner’s work on polio patients,” writes Thomas Levy, “I was absolutely amazed and even a bit overwhelmed at what I read. . . To know that polio had been easily cured and so many babies, children, and some adults still continued to die or survive to be permanently crippled by this virus was extremely difficult to accept. . . Even more incredibly, Klenner briefly presented a summarization of his work on polio at the Annual Session of the American Medical Association on June 10, 1949 in Atlantic CityNew Jersey:

‘It might be interesting to learn how poliomyelitis was treated in ReidsvilleN.C., during the 1948 epidemic. In the past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of seventy-two hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. I believe that if vitamin C in these massive doses - 6,000 to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period - is given to these patients with poliomyelitis none will be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or epidemics of poliomyelitis.’ Levy concludes: “The four doctors who commented after Klenner did not have anything to say about his assertions.” (5)

“How then,” asks Landwehr, “could a Dr. Fred R. Klenner, a virtually unknown general practitioner specializing in diseases of the chest, from a town no one ever heard of, with no national credentials, no research grants and no experimental laboratory, have the nerve to make his sweeping claim in front of that prestigious body of polio authorities?” Indeed, Klenner was hardly a man to mince words. “When proper amounts are used, it will destroy all virus organisms,” he would say. “Don’t expect control of a virus with 100 to 400 mg of C.” (6)

Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. Smith describes in great detail in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Klenner found that “the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight.” That quantity per day is a dose of 25,000-30,000 mg or so for an adult. Yet, Smith adds, “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.”

This is indeed a large amount of vitamin C. Such use exemplifies the modern orthomolecular physician. Klenner’s doses were enormous, flexible and symptom-driven. The sicker the patient, the higher the dose. Massive ascorbate treatment cured every one of 60 polio cases Klenner saw. He published his report in Southern Medicine and Surgery in July of 1949. (7) All patients were well in three days. None had any paralysis.
In a 1950 letter, Klenner wrote:

“Since my last communication, I have seen four new cases of poliomyelitis. All of these have completely recovered. Three cases were seen in the acute febrile stage and in each instance, using 65 mg per kg body weight (by injection) every two (to) four hours, recovery was spontaneous in 48 hours.” (8)

In 1951, “In an especially incredible case,” Levy says, “Klenner (9) described a five-year-old girl stricken with polio. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days! The right leg was completely limp, and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated. After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function,” and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.” (4) For such elegant results, in the days before widespread use of either antibiotics or vaccination, one may wonder why Klenner was not awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Born 22 October 1907 in JohnstownPennsylvania, Frederick Robert Klenner earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in biology, magna cum laude, from St. Vincent and St. Francis Colleges. After two teaching fellowships, he entered Duke University School of Medicine. There, while he was ill, he met his future wife, Annie Hill Sharp (b. 19 Feb 1914), then a senior nursing student who “helped nurse him back to health, and romance blossomed.” (10) At the time, Annie would be only the second woman in the school’s history to graduate with a bachelor of science degree. Klenner received his M.D. in 1936, and “The couple settled inWinston-Salem, where Dr. Klenner was completing his residency at the North Carolina Tuberculosis Sanitarium.” (10) There, according to a short biography published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, he “served three years in post-graduate hospital training before embarking on a private practice. Although specializing in diseases of the chest, he continued to do general practice because of the opportunities it afforded for observations in medicine. His patients were as enthusiastic as he in playing ‘guinea pigs’ to study the action of ascorbic acid.” (11)
Klenner had hospital privileges at Reidsville’s Annie Penn Memorial Hospital where, among other things, he delivered hundreds of babies. Given supplemental ascorbate, not merely from birth but also all throughout gestation, Klenner’s uniformly healthy, trouble-free infants were known by the staff as the “Vitamin C Babies.” (12)
In a 1978 letter to Klenner, Irwin Stone writes that he thinks that “giving levels of ascorbate for long periods of time at the daily levels you recommend. . . is equivalent to creating a new human subspecies, ‘Homo sapiens ascorbicus’ . . . with unusual resistance to disease and stress and with a prolonged life span.” Stone adds, “I was sorry to hear that the book you intend to write is still only a gleam in your eye.” (13)
Although he never would publish a book on vitamin therapy, Dr. Klenner was a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, the American College of Angiology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and one of the founders of the American Geriatrics Society. He was inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in 2005. (14)
Greensboro Daily News reporter Flontina Miller has colorfully described Klenner’s office, above a drug store in Reidsville. “Up a creaking stairway is a dimly-lighted hallway. . . On one side of the hall is a stark waiting room nearly filled with patients. . . A hand-printed sign tacked by the door reads, ‘Limited General Practice’. . .  Two walls (are) covered with framed certificates and honors awarded by medical schools and organizations. A crude hand-scrawled cardboard sign on a window air-conditioning unit reads, ‘Snake Inside.’ No snake actually lives inside the air conditioner, but Mrs. Klenner declares the sign has worked miracles to keep visitors’ hands off. She said patients, waiting to talk with the doctor, often would tamper with the unit, causing continual need for repairs. . . For the past 12 years, Mrs. Klenner has been her husband’s fulltime nurse, and they manage the office with no other help. ‘I’d never see my husband if I didn’t work with him,’ said Mrs. Klenner. . . ‘Sometimes he overworks and feels kind of tired.’” (15) He was also subject to severe headaches, including migraines. Still, according to journalist Jerry Bledsoe, Klenner never sent bills to his patients. “If a patient couldn’t pay when treated, then he could pay when he could. And even if he couldn't pay and still needed a doctor, Dr. Klenner would be there, making house calls no matter the hour.” (16)

Another Greensboro Daily News article written by Miller recounts how Klenner first used injections of vitamin C:
“Dr. Klenner remembers using (ascorbate) for a man, who was lying near death from severe virus pneumonia, but refused to be hospital­ized. ‘I went to his house and gave him one big shot with five grams or 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C,’ he recalled. ‘When I went back later in the day, his temperature was down three degrees and he was sitting on the edge of the bed eating. I gave him another shot of C, 5,000 milligrams and kept up that dosage for three days, four times a day. And he was well. I said then, well, my gosh! This is doing something.’" (17)
Klenner devised an early office test for vitamin C. (18) He would go on to administer massive amounts of ascorbate against any and all viral diseases. And, in the course of some forty years of general practice, Klenner used vitamin C, often accompanied with high doses of other nutrients, to fight a striking variety of other illnesses. Smith (6) itemizes a list that includes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, bladder infections, alcoholism, arthritis, leukemia, atherosclerosis, ruptured intervertebral discs, high cholesterol, corneal ulcer, diabetes, glaucoma, burns and secondary infections, heat stroke, radiation burns, heavy metal poisoning, chronic fatigue, and complications resulting from surgery. Additionally, Klenner also reported mega nutrient cures of tetanus (19, 20), trichinosis (21), venomous bites from spiders or snakes (22, 23), and, perhaps most controversially, multiple sclerosis.
Nearly every person with multiple sclerosis that I’ve met has had two things in common: a lack of hope, and a lack of vitamins. Klenner’s patients lacked neither, with a treatment schedule calling for massive quantities of B-vitamins to, said Klenner, “effect nerve repair.” He based his protocol in part on work, in the late 1930’s, by Stern from Columbia University, (who) was employing thiamin hydrochloride intraspinally with astonishing results in multiple sclerosis. He reported taking patients to the operating room on a stretcher, and following 30 mg thiamin given intraspinally, they would walk back to their room.” (24) While, Klenner commented, “the response was relatively transient,” it indicated that multiple sclerosis might be a severe form of avitaminosis.
If one vitamin helped, two seemed likely to work better. Klenner writes: “Moore (25), in 1940, published a monograph on the use of high intravenous doses of nicotinic acid for the cure of multiple sclerosis. Moore employed a drug combination called ‘Nicobee.’ This preparation contained 100 mg nicotinic acid and 60 mg of thiamin in each 10 cc solution.” Moore, like Klenner, was influenced by earlier work showing that nerve degeneration results from multiple nutritional deficiencies. (26) Subsequently, Klenner would employ what may only be described as a wide ranging nutritional approach. His protocol for multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis follows, as described in his paper, “Response of Peripheral and Central Nerve Pathology to Mega-Doses of the Vitamin B-Complex and Other Metabolites” (27):
Thiamin hydrochloride (B-1): “300 mg to 500 mg, 30 minutes before meals and bed hour, and during the night if awake” plus “400 mg daily by needle, given intramuscularly”
Niacin (B-3): “100 mg to 3 grams, thirty minutes before meals and at bed hour, and also during the night if awake – whichever dose will produce a strong body flush.”
Pyridoxine (B-6): “100 mg to 200 mg is given before meals and bed hour. At least 100 mg daily is given intramuscularly.”
Cobalamin (B-12): “1000 mcg three times each week by needle.”
Ascorbic Acid (C): “Ten to twenty grams should be taken daily by mouth in divided doses.”
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2): “40 mg to 80 mg given daily by needle I.M. 25 mg before meals and bed time.”
Choline: “700 mg to 1400 mg after each meal and at bed hour.”
Lecithin: “1200 mg soybean lecithin after each meal.”
Magnesium: “100 mg after each meal.”
Calcium gluconate: Two 10 grain tablets “after each meal and at bed hour.”
Calcium panthothenate: 200 mg “after each meal and at bed hour.”
Aminoacetic acid (glycine): “One heaping tablespoon of the powder in a glass of milk four times each day.”
Zinc gluconate: “10 mg three times each day has some value in Myasthenia Gravis. Take several hours after vitamin B-2.”
Additionally, Klenner gave vitamin E (800 to 1,600 IU/day), crude liver extract, adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid, and a multi-vitamin/ multi-trace-mineral tablet, which would have included some vitamin D. Klenner prescribed a high protein diet, and used available drugs to relieve tremor and stiffness. He might also specify linolenic acid, thyroid, fresh green vegetables, fresh fruits, a considerable quantity of milk (1 quart/day) and eggs (up to 6/day). Klenner required patients to limit fats, eat only whole grain bread, and specified “no junk foods, especially sweets.” (28)
Klenner also offered what he considered to be an abbreviated, compromise program. “Should a given patient’s physician refuse to administer this schedule, I have this recommendation: One gram thiamin hydrochloride one hour before meals and at bed hour, and during the night if awake. Niacin taken at the same time, and in amounts sufficient to produce a good body flush. Two hundred mg calcium pantothenate and 100 mg pyridoxine before meals and at bed hour. Ten grams ascorbic acid, taken in divided doses. Amino acetic acid: one heaping tablespoon in a glass of milk, four times each day. Naturally, the full schedule will afford more dramatic response.” He declares: “We categorically make this statement: Any victim of multiple sclerosis who will dramatically flush with the use of nicotinic acid, and who has not yet progressed to the stage of myelin degeneration, as witnessed by sustained ankle clonus elicited in the orthodox manner, can be cured with the adequate employment of thiamin hydrochloride and other factors of the vitamin B complex in conjunction with essential proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and injectable crude liver.” (27)


Perhaps it is not a complete surprise that the print and broadcast media have been obsessively interested in the scandal that rocked Klenner’s family following the doctor’s death from heart disease in 1984. Fred Klenner Jr., known as Fritz, implicated in the murders of at least 5 people, died by his own hand in 1985. (29) The tragedy was the subject of a bestselling 1988 tell-all book (30), in which Dr. Klenner is mentioned over 50 times, and then, in 1994, a two-hundred minute made-for-TV movie. (31) It is instructive to note that the news media reported on the son’s crimes far more than it reported on the father’s cures. There have been countless television programs and Hollywood films about crime, but not one ever made about the life-saving achievements of megavitamin therapy. Perhaps that is an even greater tragedy. "We've used massive doses of vita­mins on over 10,000 people over a period of 30 years,” said Dr. Klenner, “and we’ve never seen any ill effects from them. The only ef­fects we've seen have been beneficial.”
Dr. Klenner’s immensely valuable work is his legacy. Linus Pauling said, “The early papers by Dr. Fred R. Klenner provide much information about the use of large doses of vitamin C in preventing and treating many diseases. These papers are still important.” (32) Klenner is justly remembered as the doctor who was first to boldly assert that “Ascorbic acid is the safest and most valuable substance available to the physician” and that patients should be given “large doses of vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.” Whether overshadowed by scandal or stubbornly ignored by the medical profession, high-dose ascorbate therapy is here to stay. “I have used Dr. Klenner’s methods on hundreds of patients,” said Lendon H. Smith. “He is right.”

1. Saul AW. Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D.: Polio pioneer; ascorbate advocate. J Orthomolecular Med, 2006. Vol 21, No 2, p 102-106.

2. Saul AW. The pioneering work of William J. McCormick, M.D.. J Orthomolecular Med, 2003. Vol 18, No 2, p 93-96.

3. Landwehr R. The origin of the 42-year stonewall of vitamin C. J Orthomolecular Med, 1991. Vol 6, No 2, p 99-103.
4. Klenner FR. Virus pneumonia and its treatment with vitamin C. Southern Medicine and Surgery, 1948, February. Vol 110, No 2, p 36-38, 46."
5. Levy TE. Vitamin C, infectious diseases, and toxins: Curing the incurable. PhiladelphiaPA: Xlibris Corporation, 2002, p 52-53. ISBN: 1-4010-6964-9 (Hardcover); 1-4010-6963-0 (Softcover)] Previously reviewed in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine,2003, Vol 18, No 2, p 117-118.

6. Smith, LH. Clinical guide to the use of vitamin C: The clinical experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.. PortlandOR: Life Sciences Press, 1988. Originally titled: Vitamin C as a fundamental medicine: Abstracts of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.’s published and unpublished work. ISBN 0-943685-01-X. Reprinted 1991, ISBN 0-943685-13-3. The full text of this book is posted at" .

7. Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. South Med J, 1949, July. 3(7), p 209-214. and"

8. Klenner FR. Letter to M.G. Farnsworth, Farnsworth Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, dated October 14, 1950. Photocopy in author’s possession.

9. Klenner FR. Massive doses of vitamin C and the virus diseases. South Med J. 1951 Apr;113(4):101-7. PMID: 14855098

10. Bledsoe J. Bitter blood: A true story of Southern family pride, madness, and multiple murder. NY: Dutton, 1988. Also: NY: New American Library, 1989. Page 114.
11. Klenner FR. Observations on the dose of administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. J Applied Nutrition, 1971, Winter. Vol 23, No 3 and 4, p 61-68. and
12. Stone I. The healing factor: Vitamin C against disease. NY: Grosset and Dunlap, 1972; p 191-192.
13. Letter from Irwin Stone to Dr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Klenner, Gilmer StreetReidsvilleNorth Carolina, dated 3 June 1978. Carbon copy kindly provided by Steve Stone. The house that was the Klenners’ longtime residence is less than 20 miles north ofGreensboroNC, about four miles west of US Highway 29, and five blocks north of the Annie Penn Memorial Hospital.
14. Saul AW. The 2005 Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame. J Orthomolecular Med, 2005. Vol 20, No 2, p 113- 117.
15. Miller F. Klenner’s office recalls old-fashioned practitioner. Greensboro Daily News, undated reprint. This medium-circulation newspaper, founded in 1909, has been known since 1982 as the News-Record. The periodical’s archives are accessible at

16. Bledsoe J, p 231.

17. Miller F. Dr. Klenner urges taking vitamins in huge doses. Greensboro Daily News, Tuesday, Dec 13, 1977, p A8-A10.

18. Klenner FR. A new office procedure for the determination of plasma levels for ascorbic acid. Tri-State Medical J, 1956, February, p 26-28.

19. Klenner FR. The history of lockjaw. Tri-State Med J, 1954, June. 

20. Klenner FR. Recent discoveries in the treatment of lockjaw with vitamin C and tolserol. Tri-State Med J, 1954, July.

21. Klenner FR. A treatment of trichinosis with massive doses of vitamin C and
para-aminobenzoic acid. Tri-State Medical J, 1954, April.
22. Klenner FR. Case history: The black widow spider. Tri-State Med J, 1957, December.

23. Klenner FR. Case history: Cure of a 4-year old child bitten by a mature Highland Moccasin with vitamin C. Tri-State Med J, 1954, July. The Highland Moccasin, a viper, is also known as the copperhead.
24. Sern EL. The intraspinal injection of vitamin B-1 for the relief of intractable pain, and for inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Amer J Surg, 1938. 34:495.
25. Moore MT. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with nicotinic acid and vitamin B-1. Archives Int Med, 1940, January, Vol 65, p 18.
26. Zimmerman HH, Burack F. Lesions of the nervous system resulting from a deficiency of the vitamin B complex. Arch Pathology, 1932, February, Vol 13:207.
27. Klenner FR. Response of peripheral and central nerve pathology to mega-doses of the vitamin B-complex and other metabolites. Parts 1 and 2. J Applied Nutrition, 1973, 25:16-40. Free full-text download at  Also: Klenner, FR. Treating multiple sclerosis nutritionally. Cancer Control J, undated. 2:3, p 16-20. And, a similar, comprehensive MS/MG protocol is to be found in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., reference 6, above.
28. Program prescribed by Dr. Fred R. Klenner, a two-page itemized check-off list of nutritional recommendations for patients. Hand-dated January 25, 1979 by Irwin Stone, who added a notation that it had been “Rec’d from L. P. Institute.” (Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine). Provided by Steve Stone.
29. While it has sometimes been assumed that son Fritz Klenner (Fred Klenner Jr.) was a physician, he was not. He never attended medical school.
30. Bledsoe J. Bitter blood: A true story of Southern family pride, madness, and multiple murder. NY: Dutton, 1988. ISBN-10:052524591X and ISBN-13: 978-0525245919. Also: NY: New American Library, 1989. ISBN-10: 0451402103 and ISBN-13: 978-0451402103.

The book contains three black-and-white photos of Dr. Klenner. Chapter 22 focuses on his work. That chapter, and the balance of the book, is less than flattering. Publisher’s notes say that Jerry “Bledsoe wrote an award-winning series about the (Fritz Klenner) case in 1985 in the Greensboro (NC) News & Record,” where he is a senior writer and columnist. . A New York Times bestselling author, Bledsoe has also written “Before He Wakes: A True Story of Money, Marriage, Sex and Murder”; “The Angel Doll”; “Death Sentence: The True Story of Velma Barfield's Life, Crimes, and Punishment”; “Death by Journalism? One Teacher's Fateful Encounter with Political Correctness;” and “North Carolina Curiosities: Jerry Bledsoe's Guide to Outlandish Things to See and Do in North Carolina.”

31. In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness stars Kelly McGillis as Susie Lynch and Harry Hamlin as Fritz Klenner (Fred Klenner Jr.). Produced by Ambroco Media Group and Dan Wigutow Productions. Directed by Jeff BleckneritzOriginally telecast in the USA by CBS in two parts, on 16 and 18 January, 1994. Later shown in Britain by BBC 1 on 19 and 20 April, 1997.The film is not known to have won any awards.

32. Pauling L. Foreword to: Stone I. Clinical guide to the use of vitamin C: The clinical experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D..

For further reading:
Only two of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner’s many papers are currently indexed by Medline. No abstract is available for either. 
Klenner FR. Massive doses of vitamin C and the virus diseases. South Med J, 1951, Apr;113(4):101-7. PMID: 14855098. Sometimes erroneously cited as 103(4), such as in this link, which does in fact access the full text of the paper:

Klenner FR. The vitamin and massage treatment for acute poliomyelitis. South Med J, 1952, Aug;114(8):194-7. PMID: 12984224
The US National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, indexes nothing whatsoever written by Klenner after 1952, when he published primarily in the Tri-State Medical Journal.

Additional Bibliography:

Klenner FR. Fatigue, normal and pathological, with special consideration of myasthenia gravis and multiple sclerosis. Southern Medicine and Surgery, 1949, September, Vol 111, No 9.

Klenner FR. The use of vitamin C as an antibiotic. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1953. 6:274-278.
Also may have appeared in 1953; Southern Medicine and Surgery,1953, Vol 114(8).

Klenner FR. A critical analysis of the Francis report concerning the 1954 poliomyelitis vaccine program. Tri-State Med J, 1955, June.

Klenner FR. Poliomyelitis vaccine: Brodie vs. Salk, Tri-State Med J, 1955, July.

Klenner FR. The role of ascorbic acid in therapeutics. (Letter) Tri-State Medical J, 1955, November, p 34.

Klenner FR. Poliomyelitis: Case histories. Tri-State Medical J, 1956, September, p 28-31.

Klenner FR. An insidious virus. Tri-State Med J, 1957, June.

The folly in the continued use of a killed polio virus vaccine. Tri-State Med J, 1959, February, p 1-8.
Klenner FR. Encephalitis as a sequelae of the pneumonias. Tri-State Med J, 1960, February, p 7-11.
Klenner FR. Observations on the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. J Appl Nutr 1971; 23(3&4), 60-89.
Klenner FR. Significance of high daily intake of ascorbic acid in preventive medicine. J Int Acad Prev Med, 1974; Spring. 1:1, 45-69. Also: In Williams RJ and Kalita DK, editors. A physician's handbook on orthomolecular medicine. 1977. New York: Pergamon, p 51-59. ISBN-10: 0080215335; ISBN-13: 978-0080215334. Reprinted 1979: New Canaan CT: Keats. ISBN-10: 0879831995;ISBN-13: 978-0879831998.
Publications attributed to Frederick R. Klenner include:

Klenner FR. Paper presented in the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Tri-State Medical Association of the Carolinas and Virginia, held inColumbia, Feb 19th and 20, 1951. May have been published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition.

Klenner FR. News about Diabetes Mellitus (letter). Tri-State Med J, 1955, May.

Klenner FR. Poliomyelitis vaccine: The authorities speak. Tri-State Med J, 1956, March.

Klenner may also have published in Tri-State Med J in April, 1954 and again in October, 1958.

Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at ) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at )

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The Top Seventeen Health, Nutritional and Medical Lies!

The following list includes the biggest health, nutritional, and medical lies, deceit, deceptions and inventions that we have been told by a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a teacher, a nutritionist, a health guru, a Pharmaceutical Company, the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the Center of Disease Control and/or the World Health Organization, just to name a few.

1) The Mexican Swine Flu Virus is a potential pandemic and can kill you.

This is a scientific illusion. Viruses do not kill, acids kill. All viruses are nothing more than dietary and/or metabolic acid. The word virus in Latin means poison or acid. All flu's or acids by definition effect only the gastrointestinal tract due to acidic foods and drinks ingested - not viruses. So the Mexican Swine Flu Virus that has been reported by the CDC to have killed over 1000 Mexicans is the result of an excess of gastrointestinal acid from the ingestion of acidic foods and drinks that have not been properly buffered by the stomach with alkaline salts or eliminated through the four channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, bladder and/or skin. For these unfortunate Mexicans or others in the US or around the world that have died, the cause of death was due to an excess of acidic foods and drinks, including Tequila, beer, beans, rice, corn, peanuts, yeast, soy sauce, high sugar fruit, processed sugar, artificial sugar, dairy products, chicken, turkey, beef and of course the biggest acid of all - SWINE. That's right, the acids from PORK can kill. So 1000 Mexicans did not die from a pHantom Mexican Swine Flu Virus but they died from a dis-ease I call, "I Ate and Drank TOO Much Acidic Crap Disease." The simple solution for protecting you from an excess of gastrointestinal acid from an acidic diet and lifestyle that can and does kill is to increase your alkaline buffering mineral salts. All flu's or acid outbreaks can be prevented and reversed with sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate. YES, it is that simple! You can prevent gastrointestinal acidosis that can lead to stomach flu, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, constipation, and even death. No need to fear a pandemic, just the acidic foods and drinks you are ingesting. You can protect yourself and your family with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet I call, "Young Living." That is why I created the products pHour Salts, puripHy salts, pHlavor salts and pHlush salts. To learn more about these Young pHorever acid protecting products go to:

2) The Flu vaccine will protect you from the flu virus.

This is a falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus and therefore there is no need for a poisonous acidic flu vaccine made with chicken embryos, formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The flu is the body in preservation mode increasing body temperature to activate the lymphatic system to remove excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the tissues via respiration, perspiration, defecation and urination. The key to reversing the symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline fluids and sweating with infrared sauna or exercise.

3) Taking antibiotics will kill bacteria.

This is medical subgerfuge and distortion as even the medical community realizes that antibiotics don't do what they are supposed to do. We say with alarm that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics. They are not "resistant" because they have never been operative or effective. Antibiotics are the acidic waste products of fermentation. To make an antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some sugar for the yeast or mold to ferment. The bi-product of the yeast or mold fermenting the sugar is the acidic antibiotic. The acids from antibiotics DO NOT KILL BACTERIA. They only force the bacteria to change. Into what does bacteria change? Into yeast and mold. That is why when you take antibiotics you end up with a yeast infection! That's the antibiotic causing the bacteria to change from one form to another. I call this process of change "biological transformation" and the reason why you should NEVER take antibiotics. Try the COWS Plan. It is safer and more effective.

4) The stomach should be acidic and contains hydrochloric acid or HCL to digest food.

This is one of the biggest scientific misconceptions ever. First, the stomach is NOT and organ of digestion. Most so-called digestion starts in the mouth. That's why your mom said to chew your food. The stomach is an organ that alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The stomach cells, called the cover cells, secrete sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the food. For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule of hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste product. Hydrochloric acid or HCL never touches the food or drink but falls into the gastric pits of the stomach away from the food and drink as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize the food and/or liquids ingested. This is necessary in order to prepare the food in an alkaline state for the duodenum and the small intestine where the liquid food is then biologically transformed into stem cells. There is NO part of the alimentary canal that does not secret sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In conclusion, the stomach is an organ of contribution and alkalizing, not a digestive organ as medical savants would have us believe. So now you know it is a whopper of a lie.

5) A cold is caused by a virus.

This is another whopper--a century long distortion. A cold is the body removing excess dietary and/or metabolic acids through the orifices of the body to maintain its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused by viruses but are caused by eating too much acidic GARBAGE. I won't get YOUR cold if MY body is properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused by your thoughts or negative emotions which can also give rise to the elimination of these acids through various orifices, such as your eyes, ears, mouth or nose.

6) Pharmaceutical drugs may have side-effects.

What an intentional obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not have side-effects; they have EFFECTS! And lots of them! If you take the drugs, plan on them affecting your health in many negative and acidic ways.

7) The brain and body runs on sugar.

This is closer to gross ignorance than a lie. Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no value in the body. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain and body does NOT run on sugar; it runs on electrons - just like every other cell in the human body. Increase your healthy brain function with more electrons with electron-rich food and water.

8) Cancer is a disease of the tissues.

NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues but a disease of the fluids of the body. After a trillion dollars spent since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to know what it is. But it has become a several hundred billion dollar industry.....larger than the automobile industry. Cancer is an acidic, environmental, dietary and/or metabolic liquid; it is NOT a cell and we ALL have some of it in our body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we have in our body, the greater the risk for cancerous tissues. Cancer therefore is a four letter word: ACID! And cancer's fumbling, bumbling proponents have put forth another four letter word: MYTH.

9) HIV is a virus and causes AIDS.

This is an incredible whopper! And because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been explained by several scientists for many years, it is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There is NO HIV virus. You heard me right; there is NO HIV virus! There never has been. AIDS or immune deficiency is caused by an acidic way of living, eating and thinking. There is no need for drugs, but just the need to change to an alkaline lifestyle and diet and PRESTO.... NO MORE AIDS. It works 100 percent of the time if you get going before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you right up to death's door.

10) HPV is a virus and causes cervical cancer.

This is also an incredible whopper! HPV does not cause cervical cancer. Metabolic and/or dietary acid causes cancer. HPV is another pHantom virus. It does not exist. The cause of reproductive cancers are from the acids you produce from what you eat, what you think, and how you live. You don't get cancer you do cancer. So stop doing cancer with an acidic lifestyle and diet and start doing "Young Living" and the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet.

11) Taking digestive enzymes will help digestion.

This is a major fable and fabrication to which many holistic doctors prescribe. And it's a dangerous one....especially for people who take digestive enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from fermentation and are poisonous. Just like Draino, taking enzymes will eventually destroy your alkalizing alimentary canal. One will kill you fast and one will kill you slow! Digestive enzymes may break down meat, but nutritional science clearly tells us that you shouldn't be eating meat. They will break you down too because guess what? Your alimentary canal is meat!!

12) Blood is made in the marrow of the bones.

This inaccuracy and science fiction began with the distortions of four scientists in 1952 when they conducted starvation studies on rabbits and pigeons and decided after autopsy that blood was created in the bones. This is NOT correct. The primary site of blood production is in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the small intestine. When acids (antibiotics, acid food and drink, enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy the intestinal villi, then the body makes blood out of various body cells such as the bones. The studies on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct conclusion if the autopsies had been done on humans--assuming the bodies had starved to death like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies are done on people who have been very sick and finally died. The body is so sick that blood has not been made in the the intestinal villi perhaps for some time. Now medical savants have amazingly discovered that blood can also be made in the liver. The truth is that it can also be made from all the organs and all the cells once the body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won't be doing autopsies on healthy bodies because they rarely die. But if we did, we'd find out where blood is really made in a healthy the crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven feet of the small intestine.

13) Germs cause disease via an infection.

This is another invention based on faulty scientific premises. Germs are nothing more than the biological transformation of organized matter disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of fermenting matter and not the CAUSE of fermenting matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not the cause but the evidence that the gun has been fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on food, this is a result of food deterioration, not a result of an infection. When I see bacteria or yeast in the blood, I know this is a result of blood or body cells biologically transforming and not a result of an infection. In other words, germs are born in us and from us. The infection can only contribute to a state of imbalance but CANNOT cause ANY specific disease. So stay away from all treatment plans, traditional or alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If the drug or supplement will kill germs it will also kill you.

14) High Cholesterol in the form of low density lipoproteins or LDL's can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or stokes. Not a single one. This is a distortion and an inaccuracy based on faulty observation and inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid cause heart attacks and strokes. The body releases cholesterol or LDL's to buffer or chelate the toxic lethal affects of acid to protect the body, not harm the body. It is your thoughts, your words and your deeds that create waste products or acids. If these acids are not eliminated through urination. perspiration, defection or respiration, the body will release cholesterol or LDL's to buffer these acids for protection and not for destruction. A recent landmark study showed that you are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a person with a total cholesterol over 300. Your risk for a heart attack or stroke increases significantly as your acid levels increase or if you lower your cholesterol with drugs without lowering your production of acid from the environment, lifestyle, diet and/or metabolism.

15) Eating protein builds muscles.

Wrong again. This is another fictitious distortion based on faulty observation based on a) preconceived notions about how the body works and b) the failure of science to sufficiently isolate variables when making so-called scientific observations. Tell the strongest animals in the world--vegetarian animals--that eating protein builds muscle. Eating protein actually makes you weak and eventually sick and tired from the debilitating acids of sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid. The body builds muscle from blood and not from plant or animal protein. At the Ranch we grow avocados. We give our avocados minerals, water and sunshine - no protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy fat and 15% protein. If you want to build muscle you have to build blood. And to build blood you have to eat green foods and lots of them.

16) Obesity is a fat problem.

I would call this a big fat lie. A big Whopper with cheese and bacon. No, I'm sorry fat doctors, fat farms and fat clinics of the world. Obesity is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration. You can now say that fat is saving your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat and decide if you want to do something about it. All you need to do is get off your fat acid and go to health with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. The average weight loss on the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is 1 pound a day - 30 pounds in 30 days. As you alkalize the fat melts away with all of its acidic contents.

17) Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormones.

This greedy fiction and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting ever so many unknowing innocent women. The first thing to understand is that hormones are acidic waste products of endocrine gland function. Balancing your hormones would be like balancing your car's carbon monoxide exhaust. You would never give you car more acidic carbon monoxide to help it run better. You would change the oil, the filter or use a more energy efficient fuel. This is what you need to do when you have endocrine or energy imbalance. You need to change your lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green foods. You can easily try our Deluxe Pack to start the process of endocrine balance and energy. You'll see a difference in a very short period of time.

Articles of Health are the writings of Robert O. Young D.Sc., Ph.D., based upon his theory that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic by function. He suggests that there is only one sickness and one disease which is caused by an over acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. There is no way to have health and acidity -- health and alkalinity is the way!